About me

My artist name is Mary Lou, my real name is Marloes Groen. I'm an independent songwriter from The Netherlands and I produce my songs at home. I've been making music since I was very young. It all started by taking piano lessons and in my youth I was also surrounded by great music all the time. My mother is a piano player and a piano teacher. She used to practice at home, by herself and with various bands. I'd come home from school and they were rehearsing. I was also allowed to accompany them to shows and festivals. It was a very inspiring way of growing up. Besides my mother playing music, my childhood took place in de 80s and 90s, which was a very influencial musical time for pop music. In High School I could perform some of my songs and they taught music. It's really good to teach young people about music. Later in my twenties I studied the development of popular music. 
However, when I was 12 I decided to do something with songwriting. Eversince I've been working on countless songs. Some I don't even remember. My main instrument is the piano and my keyboard/workstation. To give an example, behind the piano I find the chords and a bassline and the melody follows by humming it and I tap the beat with my feet. Sometimes though I have a piece of lyric, like a hook or a chorus. Then that can start the song. When I have a whole song and I feel this could be something I record it as a demo at my laptop. Then I work out the arrangment. The best way is when everything comes together naturally so nothing feels forced.
My aim with music is to make great music, to leave a message and to show what I've learned over the years. Besides piano lessons and singing lessons I've also studied studio engineering to record demo's. For example with the 'Next level producer project' in 2022 and 2023. The ability nowadays to make an entire song from the first note to the last mix, that's amazing and it's what I aim to be better at.